Jesus Christ said that He is:


When he returned as Our Imperial Majesty (Emperor Haile Selassie I) He fulfilled The Biblical Prophecy in: The Book of Revelation in: chapter 19, verse 12 where it is written:

"His Eyes Are Like Blazing Fire"

And also from: Verse 12, in: Chapter 19, in the same: Book of Revelation of The Holy Bible, it is written:

"On His Head Are Many Crowns"

And in: The Book of Revelation (in: chapter 19, verse 11) it is written:

"I Saw Heaven Standing Open
And There Before Me Was A White Horse
Whose Rider Is Praised As: FAITHFUL AND TRUE
With Justice He Judges And Prosecutes Wars"

Our Imperial Majesty
showed us how to prosecute wars (With The Swords Of Our Mouths) when he visited many foreign nations and worked through The United Nations to verbally resolve disagreements.

A symbolic representation conveying The Truth of His (and of our) methodology was described by The Apostle John in The Holy Bible, when he described the appearance of Jesus Christ as being The Source of the information presented in His Book of Revelation, in chapter 1, verse 16, where it is written:

"Coming Out Of His Mouth Is A Sharp Two Edged Sword"

The sword is merely A Symbol For Speaking.

Because GOD wants us to resolve our differences primarilythrough conversation.

The name of (Our Imperial Majesty) Emperor Haile Selassie I translates as:


THE TRINITY is found everywhere in GODS Creation:

The Holy Trinity: Man, Womban and Child.

The Divine Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Hueman Trinity: Mind, Body and Soul.

The Social Trinity: Peace, Love and Unity.

The Interpersonal Trinity: Equity, Harmony and Respect.

The Religious Trinity: Fidelity, Amity and Charity.

The Celestial Trinity: Sun, Moon and Stars.

The Earthly Trinity: Time, Energy and Matter.

The Atomic Trinity: Proton, Neutron and Electron.

The Intellectual Trinity: Knowledge, Wisdom and Comprehension.

The Infinity Trinity: Inspiration, Meditation and Contemplation.

The Ethical Trinity: Honesty, Integrity and Positive Reciprocity.

The Energy Trinity: Electrical, Gravitational and Magnetic.

The Time Trinity: Past, Present and Future.

The Harmony Trinity: Equality, Truth and Justice.

The Morality Trinity: Tolerance, Courtesy and Civility.

The Empathy Trinity: Mercy, Compassion and Benevolence.

The Christ Trinity: Teacher, Healer and Friend.

The GOD Trinity: Prophet, Savior and King:

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