Emperor Haile Selassie I
The King that governed The Empire of Ethiopia in East Africa from 1930 to 1974
was the reincarnation ("The Second Coming") of Jesus Christ:

He is correctly recognized as Earths Supreme Judge by the "Ras Tafarians" and He is The Source of a very large number of crucially important proclamations, such as the following from one of His speeches to The United Nations:

"Until the falsehood that pretends that one race is superior and another race is inferior is completely discredited and abandoned then there will be wars everywhere. And until the most basic hueman rights are guaranteed to all, without regard to race, then there will be wars. And until there are no longer first class nor second class citizens of any nation and until the color of a persons skin is of no more significance than the color of his or her eyes then there will be wars."

And as Mother For Peace Lorraine Schneider declared:

"War Is Bad For Children And For Other Living Beings."

Eleven Thousand Children Were Murdered during the recent war in Syria:

Ninety Thousand Children Were Murdered during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda:

 Three Thousand Children Have Already Been Murdered during the ongoing war against Iraq:

12,000 Children Have Been Murdered during the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Palestine:

I Hope that you will agree that This Must Stop.

and that:

We Should Do Every Diplomatic Thing That We Can Possibly Do To STOP ALL OF THE WARS.

What can we do to Help To Stop The Wars and to Help To Transcend the (often "race" and religion based) hatred that too often results in the perpertration of wars?

How can we prevent such cruelty and destruction?

We can start by accepting The Wisdom Of Our Imperial Majesty that He communicated to us all through His speech to The United Nations on October 6, 1963 when He instructed us that:

“We must look into ourselves, into the depths of our souls and
we must become people that we have never been and that our education,
our experience and our environment have ill prepared us to become.
We must become bigger than we have been, by becoming more courageous,
greater in spirit and larger in outlook and we must become members of a new race
by overcoming petty prejudice and by owing our ultimate allegiance not to races
but rather to our fellow hueman beings within our hueman communities.”

Empress Wayzäro and Our Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I = JAH Ras Tafari.

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